PHYTOMER Celluli Attack 100ml - Soulspacecosmetics

PHYTOMER Celluli Attack 100ml

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PHYTOMER Celluli Attack 100ml


Phytomer Celluli Attack is formulated to reduce the appearance of orange peel skin in just 15 days. Its targeted complex of detoxifying botanical extracts and oils flush excess water weight as they promote firmness and elasticity. Glycolic acid exfoliates to reduce dimpling and unevenness for a smoother and more toned silhouette.

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Active ingredients:

  • Pepper Slimactiv (pink pepper oil): Exclusively targets adipocytes for enhanced lipolytic efficacy and maximum precision.
  • Sea Absinthium: Intelligently tracks sugar to put the adipocytes on a forced diet.
  • Sea Grape: Balances the functioning of the genes involved in the development of cellulite.
  • Glycolic acid: Promotes the effectiveness of the contouring ingredients, smoothes the surface of the skin.

HOW TO USE: Press firmly on the pump and apply morning and evening on each targeted area (hips, buttocks, thighs, saddlebags, abdomen, etc). Do not use on women who are pregnant or nursing. Not suitable for people sensitive to iodine.


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